Armenia is an outstanding country with beautiful views and a complex history. Armenian women are equally beautiful and complex. This is probably why they are so popular with foreign guys. If you want to know more about Armenian women and how to date them, check out our guide!
What Are Armenian Women Like?

Armenian ladies have too many advantages for us to try and fit them into a single post. However, if you’ve never met an Armenian girl in person and want to know what to prepare yourself for, here are 5 of the best features of Armenian women.
They are exceptionally beautiful
The beauty of Armenian girls is not subtle and it’s impossible to ignore even when you’re seeing the woman for the first time. Armenian women have dark hair and fair skin. Their lips are bright and plump, and their eyes and eyelashes are dark and pronounced. With these highly contrasted features, Armenian girls are some of the most stunning women on the planet. Women in Armenia are famously curvy, but they are not very tall, which still makes you feel like a giant with an Armenian bombshell by your side.
They have old-fashioned values
Even these days, you will hardly ever find an Armenian lady who values career and wealth over family. These women are brought up to believe that a family is the most important thing in life and they dream of their own family starting from a very young age. Armenian girls are not interested in dating as many guys as possible or become a top manager by the age of 25. If an Armenian woman has a man she loves and a family she cares about, she doesn’t need anything else.
They know their self-worth
Armenian ladies are not some meek, quiet women who will accept anything just to keep their men. Women in Armenia have a lot of confidence and are well aware of their best features. You will need to work harder to win over an Armenian girl than you would with many other foreign women. However, the result will be totally worth it. When a confident, self-assured woman is in love with you, you will feel like a completely different individual.
They do wonders in the kitchen
Armenian cuisine is popular around the world and you may have even tasted it before. Still, you’ve never tasted truly delicious Armenian cuisine unless you eat a dinner made by your Armenian girlfriend. Armenian girls are definitely talented in cooking, but they are also outstanding learners. An Armenian woman will quickly learn her man’s favorite recipes and will surprise him with his favorite delicacies along with Armenian classics.
They are deeply caring individuals
An Armenian girl would have never entered a relationship if she didn’t care deeply about her partner. For Armenian ladies, there are lots of ways to express care. From making sure you wear a scarf on your way to work on a chilly morning to booking a surprise vacation when you obviously need some rest, you can count on your Armenian woman to always look out for you and anticipate your wishes.
Do Armenian Women Make Good Wives?
You can get a pretty good idea about Armenian women from dating them, but they will only fully open up in marriage to their one and only man. Anyone should feel lucky to have an Armenian woman as a wife for several reasons. The first and most important one of them is that Armenian wives don’t put their comfort and happiness over the comfort and happiness of their partner. They are ready to make sacrifices to make the marriage work.
The second reason is that Armenian women are fantastic with children. They make completely natural mothers and you will never worry about the well-being of your kids when they have your Armenian wife as their mother. Third, Armenian ladies are strictly monogamous and will never give you any reasons to think they are being unfaithful.
What Kind of Men Do They Like?
When choosing a potential partner, Armenian women don’t pay a lot of attention to the man’s appearance or salary. First and foremost, they want to feel an emotional connection. Still, there are several features Armenian girls want to see in their partners, and here are three of them:
- Maturity. Armenian ladies often find their peers to be immature, and that is not what they want from a relationship. They like mature, experienced men, and that often means they like older guys.
- Generosity. You don’t need to be making a lot of money to charm an Armenian woman, but you need to be generous with it. There will be a time when you support your Armenian lady and your children, so she wants to know that you are reliable in this regard.
- Respect for the elders. Most Armenian girls have large families consisting of several generations. They love their families to bits, and while they don’t you expect to fall in love with them right away, they at least want to see you being respectful to them.
Where to Meet Armenian Women in Armenia?

Armenia is an amazing, yet undiscovered country for tourists. Its cities, villages, and mountains will give you some of the most unforgettable travel experiences. Traveling to Armenia is also a pretty good way to meet Armenian singles, and here are the three cities that give you the highest probability of doing it.
The important thing to know about Armenia is that its population is tiny compared to many other countries. Even Yerevan, the capital of Armenia and the biggest city in the country, only has around 1 million people living there. Still, beautiful Armenian singles make up a significant part of its population. Besides the beautiful streets of Yerevan, try the Tavern Yerevan Riverside, Minour, and Sakurada restaurants or the Omega, Prince, and Paparazzi night clubs.
With a population of a little over 100,000 people and barely any tall buildings, Gyumri is a city that takes you back to the way Armenia used to be before. It’s also worth noting that most Armenian girls living in Gyumri have never met any foreigners, so you are going to be surrounded by their attention. Make your way to the Cherkezi Dzor, Florence, and Chechil restaurants or Montecristo and Diamond Club, if you’re into action-packed entertainment.
Vanadzor is another Armenian city with a tiny population but a lot of historical attractions and beautiful scenery. Like in other Armenian cities, Vanadzor does not see a lot of foreign tourists, so you are bound to become the centre of attention of Armenian singles. There aren’t a lot of fancy places in Vanadzor, but local girls love the Tashir Pizza, Lori, and Barbeque House restaurants. Solenoid night club and ReFresh bar are two other popular meeting spots.
Where to Meet Armenian Women Online?
Armenia may be a country that is very proud of its past, but Armenian women live in the present. They may still like meeting men in the traditional way — through friends or family connections, but for those Armenian girls who are interested in foreigners, this is rarely an option. Armenian singles resort to online dating when they want to meet foreign guys for dating or marriage.
However, they don’t typically use Tinder or other dating services that are popular in the US and Europe. Instead, they go to special international dating sites. Those sites are designed to make communication between Armenian girls and Western men easier and more effective. You can find lots of attractive Armenian singles online and only move your relationship offline when you feel like it.
How to Date an Armenian Girl: 7 Tips

If you’ve only ever dated women from your own country and culture, delving into the world of dating Armenian women can be intimidating. However, this relationship promises nothing but great things for you, and this is how to make it even better.
- Be persistent when needed. Armenian women are naturally shy, but they are also somewhat coy. They like it when a man goes the extra mile to win them over. That is why an Armenian woman may say no to your advances the first time you ask, but you should always do a second attempt.
- Stick to the traditional approach to dating. An Armenian girl will hardly appreciate it when you see other women while dating her or if you take her on extreme dates when trying to impress her. Armenian women want strictly monogamous relationships and they prefer classic restaurant or cinema dates.
- Meet the parents early on. There is probably no other nation of women in the world who are as attached to their parents as Armenian singles. They like to ask their parents for their opinion about everything, and they will certainly want them to know you. You can speed things up and show your serious intentions at the same time.
- Follow your woman’s lead. When you’re dating an Armenian woman, you can have a relationship of two equal individuals. Armenian girls are not submissive and they enjoy it when men listen to their opinions. Whether she suggests an idea for a date or initiates the talk about marriage and family, you should happily accept her lead.
- Know which topics to avoid. There are some topics that are deemed controversial in Armenia and as a foreigner, it’s best not to say anything until you know how your woman is feeling. Generally, you shouldn’t voice any strong opinions about Armenian history, government, and international relations at the beginning of the romance.
- Demonstrate your absolute loyalty. Armenian women don’t care too much about the social status or education of their men, but the one thing they demand is loyalty. You need to always make time for your Armenian girl and she should never even get the idea that you might be unfaithful to her.
- Be patient about the relationship. When you are dating an Armenian girl, the relationship will likely move slower than the relationships you’ve had before. Armenian women are not that quick to move on to intimacy and they prefer to take things slowly, but in the end, it’s definitely worth the wait.
Frequently Asked Questions
How important is religion to Armenian women?
Armenia is a secular state, but most of the country’s population are still very attached to their religious views. The absolute majority of Armenians belong to the Oriental Orthodox church. They are serious about their religion and use it to receive guidance every day and in challenging situations. That is why you need to be respectful about your Armenian woman’s religious beliefs even though you don’t have to convert to her religion.
Is it true that Armenian girls can only marry Armenians?
It used to be true for a long time. Even Armenians living in other parts of the world tried to find Armenian brides and grooms for their children. However, this tradition becomes less and less common in modern days. As a rule of thumb, if your Armenian girl comes from a modern family in a major city, her parents will not be opposed to your marriage as long as you prove yourself to be worthy of their daughter.
Can an Armenian woman actually move to another country?
The connection between Armenian girls and their parents cannot be overestimated. Many Armenian women live with their parents before they get married and sometimes choose to continue living together even after they are married and have children. However, Armenian women are also known to do anything for love. They understand that marrying a foreign man usually means moving abroad, and they have the strength and confidence to do it.

Miyako Shintani is a family therapist. In her career, which spans over 8 years, she has witnessed every type of relationship possible. She is an expert at helping people understand each other better and knows what it takes to make a relationship work, even if it’s between two people from completely different walks of life.